What contents had meteor that exploded in Russia



What contents had meteor that exploded in spectacular fashion in the region of the Ural mountains in Russia last week? Spore radioactive? Pieces from Mars? Kriptonit? No, according to Russian scientists who found traces of the meteorite on the surface of Lake Chebarkul were just pieces of rock and iron. Scientist from the University of the Urals, Victor Grokhovsky, who led the study, found about 53 small pieces meteorite (meteorite) on the surface of the lake and is confident that most of the pieces will be in the water. Meteor exploded in the air Friday near Chelyabinsk, leaving behind pieces meteorite, thousands of broken windows and some spectacular video of markings in the air before it exploded with noise, and excellent fire balls.
Cfare permbajtje kishte meteori qe shpertheu ne menyre spektakolare ne rajonin e maleve Urale ne Rusi javen e kaluar ? Spore radioaktive? Copeza nga Marsi? Kriptonit? Jo, sipas shkencetareve ruse te cilet gjeten gjurmet e meteorit ne siperfaqen e Liqenit Chebarkul ishin thjesht copeza shkembi dhe hekuri. Shkencetari nga Universiteti i Uraleve, Viktor Grokhovsky, i cili drejtoi studimin, gjeti rreth 53 copeza te vogla meteori (meteorite) ne siperfaqen e liqenit dhe ka besimin se pjesa me e madhe e copezave do te jete ne uje. Meteori shpertheu te premten ne ajer afer Chelyabinsk, duke lene pas copeza meteori, mijera dritare te thyera dhe disa video spektakolare te vijezimeve ne ajer perpara se te shperthenin me zhurme, si dhe topa zjarri te shkelqyeshem. Shperthimi trembi banoret te cilet sapo kishin nisur punen e tyre ne mengjes dhe demtoi me shume se 4700 ndertesa, shumica apartamente. Forcat e organizuara te pushtetit local kane vepruar shpejt duke riparuar rreth 3500 ndertesa qe diten e hene, raportoi Ria Novosti, agjenci lajmesh.

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