Here beauty who "stole" Ozil heart

Mesut Ozil‘s new girlfriend Mandy Capristo, who is a Germany singer and named magazine FHM‘s the Top 100 Sexiest Woman In The World 2009.



Very Strange! Pope John Paul 2nd's Tomb! Is He Coming Back?

Never quite understood the Catholics, if the Bible says don't worship worldly images or things then why do they twist Christianity to do nothing but that?

Holes In Heaven? - HAARP and Advances In Tesla Technology

Examines the controversial military program based on Tesla technology - its' possible effects on weather and use in mind control. Based on advances in technology created by Nikola Tesla over a century ago, HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project - is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter operated by the US military beaming high level energy into the Earth's upper atmosphere. Ostensibly for ionospheric research, HAARP also locates hidden oil reserves and missile silos around the world. However, critics of HAARP say this technology could blow a massive hole in the upper atmosphere as well as disrupt the subtle magnetic energies of all life on Earth. Join Martin Sheen (The West Wing) in an investigation of a subject that could have a dramatic effect on us all.

Egyptian, Russia & Ukraine Pyramids Decoded

Dr. John DeSalvo, Director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Assoc., discussed the latest findings in pyramid research including the Russian pyramids. The Russians built around 17 fiberglass pyramids and conducted experiments inside them. They found an increase in immunological response, and better growth from seeds, he reported. An earlier experiment conducted in Czechoslovakia was said to demonstrate that razor blades actually sharpen under a pyramid (see this 1973 Time article (on 'pyramid power'). Levitation may be the best explanation as to how the Great Pyramid at Giza was built, said DeSalvo. He noted that Bell Labs produced levitation effects in experiments in the 1980s, and that Arab legends about levitation date back to antiquity. As a historical side note, Napoleon reportedly visited the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid and came out visibly shaken, never wishing to speak of it again, he recounted. DeSalvo also detailed some of the work of researcher Joe Parr, who found that energy fields like a bubble can be measured around pyramids. Interestingly, Parr correlated the timing of the Great Pyramid's energy field with the 'Great Annihilator'-- a Gamma Ray emitter in the center of our galaxy. Could the Great Pyramid be a device to prevent extinction on Earth through its bubble?, DeSalvo pondered.

The era of programming the mind

The era of programming the mind

 February 24, 2013 - If you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch what happens to the concept of the rebel.

On a profound level, mass shootings and assassinations (whether staged or not) are used to define the ever-present lone assassin as the REPRESENTATION AND THE SYMBOL OF WHAT THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL IS.

Youre a separate and distinct individual? An outsider? Watch out. Overnight, you could turn into a raging killer.

You happen to know an outsider, a loner? Hes dangerous. He doesnt live by the rules the rest of us accept. Hes deranged. Stay away from him. Shun him. And if you see the slightest indication of (insert your own term here), report him to the authorities.

Mystery over dozens of dead sea creatures washed up in Peru

Mystery over dozens of dead sea creatures washed up in Peru

February 25, 2013 - Nearly 100 dead sea creatures and birds have washed up on a Peruvian coastline and experts are trying to work out the mystery surrounding their deaths.

Sky News reports that 18 sea turtles, 22 sea lions, 16 angular roughsharks, eight dolphins and 22 marine birds were found during an inspection by government officials.

A number of the creatures were sprayed with a special paint as part of the investigation of the discovery along 77 miles of the Lambayeque coastline.

The bodies were measured, placed in bags and taken away for analysis. They were in various states of decomposition.

Jaime De La Cruz, an engineer at Peru's Ocean Institute, said details of their cause of death were expected in the coming weeks.

According to Mother Nature Network, Peru's deputy environment minister Gabriel Quijandria said warming waters disturbing species' food supplies was a possible cause.

He said although tests on the animals had not been completed, contamination of heavy metals or the presence of bacterial infections was not responsible.

Saudi Arabian Man Discovers Amazing Spring In Desert

Man that appears in this video is very happy, while the water that came out of this source, almost had formed a whole stream. This water fountain is a welcome and unexpected, but not surprise, because Muhammad greening of deserts and their conversion to pastureland and streams has shown us since 14 centuries ago.

Here's the Chinese army attacking U.S. computers

Satellite image showing the office building in Shanghai suspected of being the headquarters of the Chinese hackers

The building off Datong Road, surrounded by restaurants, massage parlors and a wine importer, is the headquarters of P.L.A. Unit 61398. A growing body of digital forensic evidence — confirmed by American intelligence officials who say they have tapped into the activity of the army unit for years — leaves little doubt that an overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American corporations, organizations and government agencies originate in and around the white tower.

The three-year old Russian boy died in Texas after have been drugd and beaten

A group of Russian diplomats have met in Texas the foster father of an adopted Russian boy, Maxim Kuzmin, who died there in January. No details of the conversation have been disclosed, but the diplomats said in the wake of the meeting that those guilty of the little boy’s death should be punished if he died as a result of beating and drugging. The three-year old Russian boy died in Texas on January 21st, although the fact did not transpire until February 18th. The official cause of his death could likely be named in March, when the autopsy conclusions become known. It is held that Maxim’s foster mother beat him up. Local forensic experts have confirmed that there are numerous bruises on the boy’s body.Besides, the fact that his foster parents gave the boy psychoactive drugs has not been corroborated.

'Let the poor eat horsemeat', says German minister

A German government minister has suggested that food products containing horsemeat but wrongly labelled as beef could still be eaten. The development minister, Dirk Niebel, said they could be distributed to the poor. Mr Niebel said it would be irresponsible to throw away palatable and safe food.

WORLD IN 2100: Ten Billion People, No Oil And Not Enough Food

            A futuristic illustration based on Manhattan

With global population set to reach seven billion people over the weekend, it may be time to start planning for what the world will look like in the coming years.
Though most of us won't be around to see it, the United Nations has projected that our incredible population growth will level off at around 10 billion people by the year 2100.
Already, at less than seven billion, we are experiencing severe poverty, hunger, a shortage of resources, increased urbanization and climate change issues.
Will we be doomed by 2100, or can we make it work? Since we've only got one planet (so far), let's hope for the latter.

What would you have done instead? (Video)

Nivea decides to try some crazy advertising for their products.How do you react when suddenly you see your picture in the newspaper and that you are the person asking? NIVEA company, has created an ad for dezodorans against "stress" to prove how people react contained in the main news and the front page of the newspaper, for a crime that did not.

Zero Dark Thirty attacked by 9/11 family

The relatives of a flight attendant who died in the 11 September attacks have criticised the film Zero Dark Thirty for using a recording of her last call. Zero Dark Thirty features the voice of Betty Ann Ong, who was on one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center. Brother Harry Ong told the New York Times it was "just outrageous". The Oscar-nominated film tells the story of the hunt and killing of Osama Bin Laden. Screenwriter Mark Boal told the paper Ms Ong was a "national hero". Ms Ong, a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11, made a 23-minute phone call to authorities from an onboard phone to give them details of the hijacking. She is among the victims whose voices are heard during a sequence at the start of Zero Dark Thirty. Her brother said the clip was used without permission. "I thought it was just outrageous, and totally poor judgment, and an abuse of the voices," Mr Ong told the New York Times. He has requested an apology be made at the Oscars if the film wins any of the five awards it is nominated for. He also asked the film-makers to donate to a charitable foundation set up in Ms Ong's name, include a credit for Ms Ong and put a statement on its website and DVD release making it clear that the Ong family did not endorse torture, which is depicted in the film. Mark Boal told the newspaper: "As the 9/11 commission justly proclaimed, Betty Ong is without a doubt one of our national heroes." In a statement, film studio Sony and Annapurna Pictures said Mr Boal and director Kathryn Bigelow had been in close contact with the families of victims since releasing the film, which was privately screened for many of them. "Zero Dark Thirty is, in some small way, a tribute to those forever affected by the attacks," the statement said. A link has now been added from the official Zero Dark Thirty website to the Betty Ann Ong foundation, the Voices of September 11th organisation and the 9/11 memorial site. The movie has been at the centre of much controversy since its release, including over its depiction of torture, the links between the film-makers and the CIA and whether it was a propaganda tool for President Barack Obama's re-election.

The dark side of Mother Teresa

Boy, 3, tells how he 'saw grandmother in Heaven' before being brought back from the dead after falling into pond

Paul Eicke: Claims he saw his great grandmother in heaven while he was clinically dead after falling into a pond

A boy of three claims he saw his great grandmother in heaven while he was clinically dead after falling into a pond.
Paul Eicke came back to life more than three hours after his heart stopped beating.
It is believed he was in the pond at his grandparents' house for several minutes before his grandfather saw him and pulled him out.
His father gave him heart massage and mouth-to-mouth during the ten minutes it took a helicopter to arrive.
Paramedics then took over and Paul was taken the ten-minute journey to hospital. Doctors tried to resuscitate him for hours. They had just given up when,
three hours and 18 minutes after he was brought in, Paul's heart started beating independently.
Professor Lothar Schweigerer, director of the Helios Clinic where Paul was taken, said: 'I have never experienced anything like it.
'When children have been underwater for a few minutes they mostly don't make it. This is a most extraordinary case.'

Disappeared the whole village in China ...

On October 13, at four in the morning in the mountains of China is missing an entire village without a trace, so mysterious. This region is now under military control. Witnesses say the region is seen flying a UFO, and say that there are already missing the snakes. Authorities do not want to say anything, saying that these are rumors. Also rumors that the village is located near a nuclear power plant, which leaves room for doubt that something strange is happening, even if not related to UFOs and it is possible that it is for this reason that the military is trying to hide something in the region .

How did Jean Hilliard recover after being frozen solid?

Jean Hilliard was a normal 19 year old woman, but an incident in her home town of Lengby Minnesota was enough to make her a one in a million mystery woman after she was discovered completely frozen from head to tow.  Her neighbor discovered her first and immediately rushed her to the hospital.  What happened next would stick in the memory of all those present for the rest of their lives.ean would wake up and seemed completely unaffected by the incredible transformation from largely liquid to a pure solid block of ice. She would be released a little over a month later with virtually no sign that there had ever been any danger at all. To this date it is a case of a largely unexplainable medical miracle.
Jean Hilliardi nje grua me rreth 19 vjet martese,eshte nje grua e zakonshme,por qe u kthye ne nje njeri mister,per shkak te nje incidenti qe i ndodhi ,afer shtepise se saj ne qytetin Lengby te Minesotës. Kur Jean po kthehej per ne shtepi mbas nje udhetimi ne kushte ngrice e te nje te ftohti polar,makina i rreshket e del nga rruga.E pa mundur te dilte qe andej dhe ne perpjekje e siper i gjith trupi i saj,kthehet ne nje stature akulli. Nuk dihet sa kohe kalon dhe Jean Hilliardi,se pari gjendet nga fqinjet e saj,te cilet urgjentisht e cojne ne spitalin me te afert.Ne nje gjendje te tille,mjeket spitalit deklaruan se gruaja ka kaluar ne vdekje gliaciale. Megjithate ndihma e shpejte nuk ngeli pa ju dhene,nepermjet rritjes se temperatures se ambjentit dhe shkrirjes se trupit te saj,nepermjet ujit te ngrohte te shoqeruar me antingrires.

Did twin asteroids wipe out the dinosaurs ?


Researchers now believe the killer space rock could have been two asteroids orbiting one another.  Binary asteroids are actually quote common making up about 15% of those that pass near to the Earth. The craters from such impacts can be found in various places around the world such as those at Clearwater Lakes near Hudson Bay in Canada which formed 290 million years ago. Some binary asteroid impacts are also thought to create only a single crater making it difficult to determine exactly how frequently the Earth is impacted by them.If indeed two large asteroids slammed in to the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous then it is no surprise that the dinosaurs went extinct, it also means that we may have more trouble than expected if we were to be ever faced with deflecting a binary asteroid from impacting the Earth again in modern times.

WORLD IN 2100: Ten Billion People, No Oil And Not Enough Food


A futuristic illustration based on Manhattan

With global population set to reach seven billion people over the weekend, it may be time to start planning for what the world will look like in the coming years.
Though most of us won't be around to see it, the United Nations has projected that our incredible population growth will level off at around 10 billion people by the year 2100.
Already, at less than seven billion, we are experiencing severe poverty, hunger, a shortage of resources, increased urbanization and climate change issues.
Will we be doomed by 2100, or can we make it work? Since we've only got one planet (so far), let's hope for the latter.

Revealed the biggest secret of "witchcraft" (VIDEO)

In this video made ​​public some of the "magic" key that i have seen nëpërspektakle various circuses. Actor shows how it drilled wing with a long needle, specifically showing how accomplished this trick. For more, 
check out the video below:

Tom Cruise: Serbs killed like flies

It seems that Hollywood is clear who the characters are negative in the Balkans. Most of the new Mission Impossible 4 (The Ghost Protocol) talks about the killing of members of the Serbian Army, which has led many wars in this region.
Tom Cruise in the role of agent Ethan Hunt in the end of the film shows how he killed 6 Serbs once. "I killed like flies. Two pieces with a blow, "says Cruise in the role of Ethan. Character killed Serbs in an attempt to staged his wife's death.
Cruise plays the role of an agent sent by the U.S. to enter the Russian state secret archive. The film has just premiered and was welcomed anywhere in the world ... except in Serbia, of course.

Secrets of the Dollar

20 Dollar Bank Note
A standard 2003 design 20 Dollar Bill / banknote
20 Dollars - First Fold
Horizontally fold the 20 Dollar Bill in half 
First Fold - Secrets...........Second Fold - Secrets.
Fold again at 45 degrees Repeat on opposite side.
Pentagon Burning............pentagon and photo
20 Dollar Note - Twin Towers ........ ..twin towers photo
The Pentagon and the World Trade Centre - What are the chances?
The President - The Third Target? Secrets of the Dollar
Perfectly central to the horizontal and the vertical as well as aligning with the 45 degree folds ... The cross hairs target the Oval Office of White House. Was this very nearly the 3rd Target?

The One Dollar Bil - Secrets of the Dollar
Every picture below depicts the use of the number 13

13 steps in the Pyramid - Secrets of the Dollar...13 Leaves and 13 Berries - Secrets of the Dollar...!3 Rattlesnake Bones - Secrets of the Dollar
13 Stars - Secrets of the Dollar ..13 arrows - Secrets of the Dollar ..13 letters - Secrets of the Dollar

13 letters and 13 Folds - Secrets of the Dollar. .13 Stripes Secrets of the Dollar .13 Stars on the Chevron / Set Square

The Secret Watermarks on the One Dollar Bill

CCTV camera captured Teleportation in China must see

A truck & bike rider nearly collide. But then the cyclist vanishes, leaving the driver scratching his head. Is this video fake or was the cyclist teleported?

Exorcism in modern times

Looks like a devil of a job…

modern-day exorcism in Columbia
Ring of fire … a modern-day exorcism in Colombia
Gisela Marulanda, 23, who claims to be possessed by spirits, participates in an exorcism ritual performed by Hermes Cifuentes in La Cumbre, Valle, Colombia, September 5, 2012
Hermes Cifuentes, known as 'Brother Hermes', performs an exorcism on Claudia Gaviria, 28, who claims to be possessed by spirits, in La Cumbre, Valle del Cauca department, Colombia

SMEARED in black mud, spread-eagled and ringed by  fire — this is a modern-day  exorcism.

The bizarre ritual is the work of mysterious Brother Hermes, who claims it  drives out evil spirits.
Brother Hermes performs ritual to drive out  evil , performs an exorcism on Gisela Marulanda, 23, who claims to be possessed by spirits in La Cumbre, Valle, September 5, 2012

“Possessed” patients lie blindfolded in the dirt surrounded by crucifixes.
Then the white-robed exorcist — real name Hermes Cifuentes — puts his foot on  their chest to cast out demons.
Hermes Cifuentes, who is also known as “Brother Hermes”,
performs an exorcism on Marleny Munoz, 55, who claims to be possessed by spirits in La Cumbre, Valle, Colombia, July 7, 2012.
Cifuentes says he has performed more than 35,000 exorcism rituals in the past 25 years
Hermes Cifuentes
Real-life exocist … Hermes Cifuentes casts out woman’s  demon’s

Photos: Modern-day exorcism captured on camera

Sri Lanka denies killing Prabhakaran's son Balachandran


104-year-old forced to lie about her age on Facebook because profiles were designed to only go up to 99

Friend request: At 104 years old, Marguerite Joseph has been active on Facebook for the last few years
Most people would be delighted to be stuck at the same age for a while, but for Maguerite Joseph, it has been disappointing. The 104-year-old Michigan woman, who has been active on Facebook for the last few years, says she is unable to post her actual age on the site because it exceeds 99. Since Mrs Joseph is legally blind and hard of hearing, her granddaughter Gail Marlow updates her profile page for her each day and responds to her messages.Ms Marlow says that when she tries inputting her grandmother's birth year as 1908, Facebook changes it to 1928 with a message that says 'unknown error.' So for the past two years, the Grosse Pointe Shores centenarian has remained 99 - online, anyway.

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Science fiction or science fact? What are some of the possible causes of the mysterious disappearances in this area of the Atlantic Ocean?

Pope Benedict XVI's Resignation Linked To Probe Into ‘Vatican Gay Officials'

pope benedict xvi

Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to resign was reportedly influenced by the discovery of a gay “network” in the Vatican that led to some clergymen being blackmailed by outsiders.
The claims were made in Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper, which says the network was described in a 300 page report presented to the Pope by three cardinals assigned to investigate the “Vatileaks” scandal of 2012.
The report allegedly describes divisions in the Roman Catholic Church, including a “cross-party network united by sexual orientation.”

Flying Girl in Russian Woods

Here's what you'll see: A man, speaking in Russian, is out in the snow-covered woods with his dog, Tarzan. The dog chases after something and the man follows. They come across an adult who is watching a small girl who appears to by flying or levitating about 10 feet above him. When they realize the man is approaching, the girl drops to the ground and they run off.
Ja se çfarë ju do të shihni: Një njeri, duke folur në rusisht, është jashtë në borë mbuluar pyjet me qenin e tij, Tarzan.Qeni jepet pas pas diçka dhe njeriu më poshtë. Ata të vijnë nëpër një të rrituri i cili është shikuar një vajzë të vogël që duket duke fluturuar në ajër ose rreth 10 metra mbi atë. Kur ata e kuptojnë njeriu po i afrohet, vajza bie në tokë dhe ata të drejtuar jashtë.

Fishing in the African way 1 minute empty "holy lake" (Video)

On one day of the year the Dogon people of Mali can fish in the sacred water of Lake Antogo. It's every fisherman for himself as the lake is emptied in minutes.Hundreds of people gathered on the bank of the holy lake and bin consisting of thuprrat and religious equipment entering the water in order to clean the animal world. In the south of the village of Bamba in Dogon's district in Mali, has a small sanctuary where fishing is permitted only once a year. This tradition by this tribe called Antogo. People gather around the coast divided into three groups that are composed of older families and most prominent of all the villages of the Dogon district. Women were not allowed to participate because they think they are dirty cause menstrual cycle. In the past, according to the beliefs of the tribe, the whole area was covered with dense forests, and the lake had tons of fish, which were the main source of food. But with the passage of time and changing climate this area is dry and fruitless, and loka residents are faced with water shortages and other food needs. Fishing lasts 15 minutes, and finally marked with the crack of the rifle.
Me qindra njerëz mblidhen në bregun e liqenit të shenjtë dhe me koshe të përbëra nga thuprrat dhe pajisje fetare hyjnë në ujë me qëllim që ta pastrojnë nga bota shtazore. Në jug të fshatit Bamba në rrethin e Dogon-it në Mali, ka një vend të vogël për të shenjtë, ku lejohet peshkimi vetëm njëherë në vit. Kjo traditë sipas këtij fisi quhet Antogo. Njerëzit mblidhen për rreth bregut të ndarë në tre grupe që janë të përbëra nga familjet më të vjetra dhe më në zë nga të gjithë fshatrat e rrethit Dogon. Grave nuk u lejohet të marrin pjesë sepse mendojnë se ato janë të papastërta shkaku i ciklit menstrual. Në të kaluarën sipas besimeve të këtij fisi, e gjithë hapësira ishte e mbuluar me pyje të dendura, kurse liqeni kishte me tonelata peshq, që ishin burim kryesorë i ushqimit. Por me kalimin e kohës dhe ndryshimin e klimës kjo hapësirë është tharë dhe e pafrytshme, kurse banorët loka janë ballafaquar me mungesë të ujit dhe nevojave tjera ushqimore. Peshkimi zgjat 15 minuta, kurse fundi shënohet me krismë nga pushka.

Here's what they looked like bacteria on your phone!

  They are pretty much essential, but you may want to ditch your mobile phone for ever after reading this. The average handset carries 18 times more potentially harmful germs than a flush handle in a men's toilet, tests have revealed. An analysis of handsets found almost a quarter were so dirty that they had up to ten times an acceptable level of TVC bacteria.

Studentëve të Bakteriologjisë praktike dhe biomedicionale në Universitetin “Surrey”, iu është dhënë detyrë për të shtypur telefonat e tyre në një enë dhe të shqyrtojnë bakteret që rriten. Profesori Simon Park, mësoi klasën se një numër i madh i baktereve që rriten janë të padëmshme, edhe pse ata duken mjaft të tmerrshme nën një mikroskop. Speciet Micrococcus, të gjetura në lëkurën tuaj, që janë treguar në enë, sjellin disa sëmundje si bakteret Staphylococcus aureus. Simon Park nuk ishte i befasuar, sepse 20% prej nesh mbajnë këtë baktere në vetvete gjatë gjithë kohës. Është interesante se, në telefonat që nuk janë me touch, kjo baktere rritet më shumë në tastierë, ndërsa te modelet e telefonit me touch, bakteria rritet rreth gjithë telefonit. Kjo duhet të jetë e mjaftueshme që të mësohemi ta fshijmë telefonin me palloma antibakterialep ara se të prekim telefonin tonë përsëri!

'He talks to his dead great-grandparents': The child medium who 'sees and speaks with spirits'

Boy medium: Antonio claims he can talk to spirits, and is trying to find peace with his gift
Acceptance: Antonio, who doesn't seem fazed by his gift, says: 'I really wanna be a professional baseball and soccer player'

Finding strength: Theresa Caputo (right) shows Antonio and his mother Sandy (left) how to deal with the feelings and emotions that come with being able to communicate with spirits
Finding strength: Theresa Caputo (right) shows Antonio and his mother Sandy (left) how to deal with the feelings and emotions that come with being able to communicate with spirits
Acceptance: Antonio, who doesn't seem fazed by his gift, says: 'I really wanna be a professional baseball and soccer player'
Acceptance: Antonio, who doesn't seem fazed by his gift, says: 'I really wanna be a professional baseball and soccer player'

A little boy who can apparently speak to the dead, communicates with his late great-grandparents who he never got the chance to meet, his mother has said.
Antonio, aged between six and eight years old, struggles to find peace with his gift in the latest episode of TLC's Long Island Medium.
His mother, Sandy, says on the show: 'My son has the ability to see spirit, as well as I do. It's a gift from God. But I get worried.'
She added: 'He's seeing a lot, my grandparents have been around and he's been talking to them. He can describe what they're doing, even what their personalities are.

'It's a bag of mixed feelings, I don't want my son to be made fun of by his friends, or even adults, because adults are very judgmental as well'.
Antonio, who doesn't seem fazed by his gift, says: 'I really wanna be a professional baseball and soccer player.'
Një djalosh i vogël i cili ka aftësinë të flasë me të vdekurit, komunikon me stërgjyshërit e tij të cilët nuk i ka njohur asnjëherë, dëshmon e ëma. Antonio, rreth 7 vjec, mundohet të gjejë paqe dhe njëkohësisht të bashkëjetojë me dhuntinë e tij, teksa shfaqet në episodin e fundit të një reality-show të quajtur TLC’s Long Island Medium. Mamja e tij Sandy tha në emision se djali i saj ka aftësinë të shohë shpirtra, ashtu si vetë ajo. “Është një dhuratë nga Zoti. Por unë jam e shqetësuar”. Ajo shtoi më pas: “Ai shikon më tepër gjyshërit e mi, të cilët i sheh rreth e rrotull dhe flet me ta. Ai arrin të përshkruajë cfarë ata po bëjnë, madje edhe personalitetet e tyre. Është një mori ndjenjash të përzjera sepse nga njëra anë nuk dua që im bir të vihet në lojë nga shokët e tij apo nga të rriturit, sepse ata janë tepër paragjykues me të.” Por Antonio nga ana e tij nuk duket shumë i shqetësuar nga dhuntia e tij. “Unë dua të bëhem një futbollist profesionist ose lojtar bejzbolli”, tha fëmija. Zonja Caputo, e ëma e djaloshit, e përshkruan veten e saj si një mama tipike nga Long Island, e cila pretendon se edhe vetë merret me mediumet apo spiritualizmin dhe mund të komunikojë me të vdekurit. Episodi fokusohet me të ëmën e Antonios e cila drejton një takim, privat dhe më pas në grup, spiritualizmi. Grupi është i përbërë nga skeptikë të procedurës por dhe besimtarë të saj. Burri i saj, Larry dhe dy fëmijët, kanë mësuar të jetojnë
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